While self-care has always been essential, perhaps it’s more important now that we are dealing with a collective worldwide trauma and lots of up-and-down emotions.
Our options for self-care are limited now that we must stay home, so I’ve outlined 14 ways you can fill your cup without spending money, taking a lot of time, or leaving your house.
Since most women struggled with creating time and giving themselves permission for self-care before Covid-19, it’s important you understand that self-care is mutually beneficial – it’s NOT selfish. When you make yourself feel good, you allow the people who rely on you to benefit as well. When you run on empty, those in your life feel it, no matter how hard you try to hide it or take pride in being a martyr. During one of the most stressful times we’ve all experienced in our lives, you must take care of yourself so you will be emotionally and mentally present for those who need you.
Here are 14 of my low-cost, quarantine-approved, self-care essentials:
1. Take a 5-Senses Shower.
2. Ensure you have something to look forward to tomorrow.
there’s nothing on your schedule, build it in: a special cup of your
favorite tea in the afternoon, Facetime date with a friend, 5-minute
end-of-work-day transition dance party, new Netflix show, a slow
home-cooked dinner with your hubby… choose something that gets you
excited to keep you energized throughout the day.
3. Leave space in your schedule for lazy mornings or afternoons.
Extra couch cuddles with your kids or an afternoon nap with your beloved will fill your soul(s).
4. Set a gratitude alarm clock to go off 3 times throughout the day.
it goes off, check in with the thoughts going through your head. Are
you focusing on what you want to create more of in your life and being
part of the solution? If not, don’t beat yourself up. Right now I’m only
asking you to notice what you are thinking about and focusing on,
because awareness is the first step to any change. And where our focus
goes, energy flows. To bring your focus to creating more good, list
three things you are grateful for right here, right now. Write them down
in a gratitude journal, yell them from your patio, or get your kids
involved in the fun.
5. Watch the sun rise outside or by a window.
Take in the rich colors, sounds, and the world waking up.
Be open to the possibility that comes with every new beginning, including every new day.
6. Watch the sun set.
close out all the events of your day as you witness nature do its
magic. Let all that happened in your day be, knowing that it unfolded
just as it was meant to. Trust that the life lessons you learned will
support you as you prepare for restful sleep.
7. Meditate for 5 – 10 minutes first thing in the morning.
This is a daily non-negotiable. If you only do one self-care act on this list, let this be the one. Read how to make it happen here.
8. Spread an act of kindness.
Send an appreciation text. Call a friend or family member who’s on your mind or may be lonely. Give a 100% tip for your take-out food. Order groceries for a neighbor. Bonus points if its anonymous!
9. Identify: What’s the one thing I can do right now to make me feel good?
go do it! Think long-term good, not
instant gratification. Six cookies can make us feel good in the moment,
but after the sugar high ends, we tend to crash and feel worse.
Self-care is about long-term well-being and abundance.
10. Mindfully enjoy a treat.
one cookie, glass of wine, or a fully loaded slice of pizza. Instead of
shoveling it in your mouth in front of your computer, do nothing else
but eat/drink it and take in every single bite like it was your last
meal. Slow down and relish the delicious flavors and honor all living
things who made your treat possible.
11. Get dressed
Sure, the thought of wearing yoga pants every day was
exciting at first, but most of us don’t feel like our best self in yoga
pants 24/7. Maybe you skip the business suit you used to don, but opt
for jeans or shorts that make you feel sexy, a flattering shirt that
fits your style, and your favorite jewelry to spice up your Zoom calls.
Do I need to remind you to shower every day?
12. Exercise.
every form of exercise is available online now, even streamed to you
live so you can tap into the energy of others committed to feeling good
too. Or get creative in your home with a dance party to throwback jams
or stairs running. Perhaps its time to dust off those old Tae Bo or Jane
Fonda DVDs.
13. Go
Follow an ant on its journey. Count how many
different shades of green exist on one little leaf. Feel the wind in
your hair and the sun or rain on your skin. Hear the message the birds
are singing to you. Drink in the colors of the sky and the artwork of
the clouds. We are nature, so as we spend time in nature our body
regulates back to its regular state of ease.
14. Accept that this is your life right now.
wishing it were any different than it is or wondering how long this
will last. Each minute you spend not accepting what is pulls time and
energy away from your current, beautiful life that is happening right now. Accept what is reality and take the next best step
to feel good and enjoy your life in the present moment.
I’ve been taught that self-care falls into 4 buckets that we should contribute to every day:
1. Physical.
2. Mental.
3. Emotional.
4. Spiritual.
Make your own list of what fills your soul for each of these four areas so when you start to feel stressed, overwhelmed, blah, or in need of some love, you can quickly glance at your list and be in action to turn things around.
I truly believe that as we take care of ourselves, and be mindful of the energy we put out into this world, the pandemic will more quickly work itself out. It starts with you (as it always has). Do your part.
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