3 Phrases Every Leader Needs to Shut Down Gossip

Have you ever walked into the office and felt a tense undercurrent in the air? Gossip, those whispered conversations, speculative rumors, or complaints about others, can be the culprit behind a strained company culture. While it might seem harmless, gossip can erode trust, damage morale, and ultimately hinder productivity.

Here are three ways to shut down gossip in your organization and create a more open and collaborative work environment:

  • Recognize that gossip begins with you. If you gossip about others or tolerate it, it becomes an accepted part of the culture that others will take part in.
  • Teach your team to use this communication phrase when someone gossips around them: “Please go to that person directly or focus on a solution. I am not available for this conversation.”
  • When someone comes to you as the leader with a complaint about someone, use the phrase: “Are you going to tell her or am I going to tell her, because someone’s got to tell her.” This shuts the gossip down and encourages a culture of radical candor and feedback so the entire team keeps growing and improving.

What other strategies do you use to minimize gossip and complaining within your team?

Lots of love,

Your coach,

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