3 Steps To More Confidence

Confidence cannot be faked. It’s also situational. This means that just because you are confident in one area of your life, like the nitty gritty of your job or with your closest friends, it doesn’t mean you’ll be confident public speaking or when leading a new project at work.

I recently sat down with my friend Colin Estrem, owner of Estrem & Co. Talent Acquisition, to talk confidence. We specifically discussed how to create more confidence when interviewing, but the 3 steps I share in this video are the same 3 steps you’ll have to go through to build confidence in any area of your life.

We also explore why it’s OK and even essential to suck at something first, plus how to uncover evidence of your success that will lead to greater confidence more quickly. 

Give the video a watch now to be on your way to creating more confidence in yourself!

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