4 Conscious Parenting Mistakes To Avoid

If you’re a parent or a parent-to-be, you’ve likely heard of the concept ‘conscious parenting’.


▪️ How do you know if you’re parenting UNconsciously?
▪️ What are examples of these so-called UNconscious parenting ways?
▪️ What are you do if you *are* parenting UNconsciously?

We’ve put together a free workbook titled 4 Conscious Parenting Mistakes to Avoid, which encapsulates the teaching and exercises of our conscious parenting workshop.

This is a guide to what may be holding you back from parenting with ease, joy, and connection, and what to do instead. BECAUSE, believe it or not, while parenting is and will always be hard, it should be and *feel like* a joyful and sacred experience. 

In this short workbook, you’ll find: 

🚸 Explanations of 4 common UNconscious mistakes made by parents 
👧 Examples of what these UNconscious mistakes might look like in real life
✏️ Exercises that help you relate these explanations to your very own experience as a parent and what you can do instead

Sneak peak: Mistake # 1

We think we became a parent because we are giving and selfLESS. BUT we actually became a parent for selfISH reasons.

You may often think…. “I have always wanted to be a parent and my life will feel complete with a child.”

Download your free conscious parenting workbook HERE to read about how this kind of thinking might be hindering to an easeful parent-child relationship and journey, and let’s #haveitall.

💜 Your Coach

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