4 Ways To Shift Your Sour Mood To Super You!

Were you the woman behind me at the post office yesterday?

The one who was huffing and sighing and displeased? The one who kept eyeing her watch and tap-tap-tapping her feet? The one whose displeasure I could feel even with my back to her and three feet of space between us?

Was that you?

Well, it’s been me before.

I’ve been busy and rushing and trying to check things off my To Do list. I’ve felt like I have more demands than others and that my time was more important. I’ve been so focused on me that I’ve forgotten there is another human being on the other end of the cash register, or the line, or the phone.

But I’ve also been the person that remembers that fuming against what is and what happens in life vs. accepting it will only add to MY suffering. I’ve been the person that recognizes each moment as an opportunity to practice presence and live in the now. I’ve been the person that experiences how one smile or pleasant person can shift my day and have an incredible trickle effect out into the whole wide world. 

It’s not always easy to shift into the second version of myself that I described above, but here’s what helps me:

1. Look people in the eyes, rather than looking down at your phone or barely seeing the person in front of you.

Remember that we are all connected, we are all deserving of love and kindness. And we have all been through both good and bad times so can relate on a feeling level, even if we look different or grew up on different sides of the world. 

2. When you catch yourself in “Scowling Sara,” or whoever your alter ego is, shift into appreciation. 

What are you grateful for? Name it! Name five things! What beauty do you see around you: An innocent smile on a toddler, a person performing a random kind act, a perfectly Elsa-blue sky? Shift into the present moment and be grateful. Your mood will shift instantly.

3. Remember that what you put out into the world comes right back to you.

We are all made out of energy and as quantum physics teaches: like attracts like. You put love out into the world, you get love back. You put judgment and shame and irritableness out into the world, that’s what you get back. Take care of your energy (which starts from being mindful of the thoughts playing out over and over in your head). 

For instance, as I’m writing this, I just realized that I co-created the woman behind me in the post office. I have had an unbelievable week of crazy, mostly unexplained tech and systems issues in my business. Rather than accepting what is, the fact that when using tech, inevitably there will be bugs or fixes needed, I was frustrated, impatient, and fighting against each challenge I had. This woman in the post office was the universe’s way of reminding me how I was being and that it’s time to put myself in check!

4. The other way I set myself up for more success to show up as “Super Sara” :)every day is through my morning intention setting ritual.

Part of that involves reading what I call my Daily Affirmation, a personal manifesto of sorts that I wrote (and continually edit) which outlines who I want to be and how I want to feel each day. 

For example, this line is in my Daily Affirmation:

“I live my life ‘out there’ with others vs. ‘in here’ in egocentricity.”

This reminds me daily to connect with others, rather than stay stuck in the busy-ness ego-centric space of my mind.

In conclusion, when I left the post office and got in my car, I said a prayer of love for the woman who was behind me in line. Not because I am better than her or make better choices than her, but because I have been her before and I know that I can spread love, so that’s what I choose to do. 

Cheers to spreading love this week, friends!


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