How I Was Finally Able To Relax At The End Of The Day

For a long while, the end of the day would come, but I wouldn’t be able to relax. The boys would be down for the night, the kitchen clean, the house neat. I’d sit on the couch to watch TV or read, and my foot would start tap-tap-tapping away, antsy, like there was something else I should be doing.

Sometimes I’d log back into my work VPN and answer emails, but the niggle stayed with me. I’d sip a glass of wine, but couldn’t fully let loose with that underlying un-ease still present. I worked out regularly, so it wasn’t like I had extra energy to burn. And I’m a yoga teacher who people regularly describe as grounded and mellow, though I couldn’t tap into that mellowness at the end of my day!

I wasn’t trying to stay busy to ignore parts of my life that weren’t working, like some of us do. I had done enough of this in the past: Over-filling my schedule or working intense hours to avoid a frustration or problem I didn’t want to face. At this point in my life I had done the personal work and was happy with where I was at, but still the niggle persisted. I couldn’t put my finger on why it kept showing up.

Then in the summer of 2017 I traveled to Mumbai, India and the niggle turned into a Mega-Dose-Niggle-Monster. The deep, vast poverty that I witnessed sickened me into realizing that while God had given me so many gifts and insights and resources, I wasn’t sharing them with others. How dare I not do what I could to make this world a better place?

When I got back from India, I launched my blog and put my Mindful Balanced Mama Living on Purpose coaching program online to reach more people.

The niggle disappeared. Just like that. I haven’t experienced it since then.

Today it is my belief that the niggle was a calling, a knowing that I was supposed to be doing something more with my life, and it was firing at me because I wasn’t. Every day I took without any action towards my purpose, I was unable to feel at ease. The Universe was poking at my heart telling me to get to work!

Joy Discovered has been a labor of love that I built while employed full-time, teaching yoga three times a week, and being a mama to two little boys under the age of 4. Some days I work on my business, my passion, 10 minutes a day; others, it’s 10 hours a day. As long as I move forward in action, taking baby steps as well as big leaps, the niggle stays at bay.

Absolutely, these steps towards my purpose have brought more challenge to my life. It’s asked me to step out of my comfort zone more than I ever have and has required dedicated, hard work and commitment. But at the end of the day, this challenge and growth is easier than dealing with that annoying niggle. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

So let me ask you:

Are you listening to your niggle? What is it saying?

Are you spending 10 minutes a day contributing to your passion and the big dreams for your life?

What can you shift now to answer your niggle and live on purpose?

When our niggle shows itself to us, we often get overwhelmed and so we delay even beginning. But you don’t have to achieve your end goal in one day or even one year. You can make progress towards it every day, even if just a little. And then, my friend, you will relax easily and sleep well at night!

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