Boost Your Work Performance And Abundance Mindset + More!

1) 5 Mindful Ways To Boost Performance, Reduce Stress, And Feel Good Every Day

I was thrilled to be invited to relate my expertise of mindfulness and joyful living to the corporate world and train a bunch of meditation-skeptic New Yorkers to be more successful in their careers. Review my performance-enhancing presentation slides here!

2) Money Mindset For Financial Abundance

My incredible assistant Lucy McKee put together these 6 key takeaways from a roundtable discussion I facilitated in February for the Naples Empowered Women’s Network. It’s tailored for women entrepreneurs, but whether you own a business or not, you’ll find some money mindset nuggets from the shared wisdom of the group. Read the 6 key takeaways for an abundance mindset here!

3) Secrets To Mastering A Feel-Good Work/Life Balance

In March I partnered up with my long-time business coach and mentor Carolin Soldo to discuss how we manage it all – motherhood, marriage, business/career, self care, life in general – and how you can too! Watch the Facebook Live video here!

Let me know if you find these valuable, or would like a training on different areas of well-being.

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