Mother’s Day Musings From 30,000 Feet…

To all the mamas out there:
You’ve done the ultimate sacrifice. You’ve given your body and your life to another human being. I know it makes you proud and happy beyond words.

I know it’s challenging beyond words at times, too.

Your job is the most important job in the world. How you show up for your children will change this planet. It will change our businesses, our communities, and our countries. One child at a time you are changing this world.

Don’t give up. Don’t lose yourself. Don’t neglect yourself or the important role you play. Stand strong but don’t hold on. While our job is to love our children, it’s not our job to dictate who they become or how they spend their time. They already have the perfect answers to these questions within them. It is our job to keep them safe, show them love, and allow them to soar.

Thank you for being a mama. Thank you for the love you share. Thank you for blessing the world with your child and all of his or her greatness.

Thank you for the countless actions that go unnoticed. Thank you for the sleepless nights. Thank you for the battle scars and bruises. Thank you for gentle hands, the hugs, and the smiles. Thank you for lifting up other mamas – we all need it from time to time.

Keep doing you. Please, oh please, keep doing you. That is the greatest gift you can give yourself, and thus, the greatest gift you can give your family and this world.

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