Worth Your Time: Growth, Heart & Soul Netflix Suggestions

Netflix has done a great job at defining and solving for its customers’ needs. (Do you remember Blockbuster, late fees, or driving through the rain on Friday night to rent a movie?) And they know, much like Amazon and Uber, that to maintain their leadership in the industry, they must keep evolving to make their customers happy.

I am one of their happy customers. My family and I have watched Netflix for years, but their recent documentaries, features, and specials have up-leveled my entertainment and excitement for their monthly service. I don’t watch a lot of TV, so I appreciate good programming when my brain is ready to relax.

Many people in my circle lately have been talking about Netflix’s Brene Brown special, “Call to Courage.” “Call to Courage” is great, especially if you aren’t familiar with Brene’s work, as the show is an easily digestible intro to it. I’ve read all her books, so nothing in that special was new to me, but I loved and appreciated the reminders. Whether you’ve read Brene Brown or not, “Call to Courage” is worth your time.

I also think you should check out Amy Schumer’s “Growing.” Here’s why:

1. Amy Schumer clearly embodies confidence in who she is. She’s a model of authenticity. I’m not saying any of us should be or talk like her, BUT how beautiful is it when we can fully embrace our uniqueness and come forward with it unapologetic-ally?!

2. She talks freely about the reality of being a woman that our patriarchal society has asked us to hide for so long: About our periods and what being pregnant is really like. These are real aspects of us, and we shouldn’t feel ashamed of them. We should embrace what makes us feminine and strong.

3. She offers a funny, yet insightful, take on the #MeToo movement and other women’s rights issues. Different perspective is always good for opening our minds and hearts.

4. She will make you laugh. Laughing is fun. Laughing brings people together. Laughing is good for the soul. Her raunchy humor may not be for everyone, but if you relax a little and allow yourself to be entertained, I promise you will be!

A few of my other recent favorites are Morgan Freeman’s series “The Story of God,” Beyonce’s documentary “Homecoming,” and “Chef’s Table.”

Limit your TV time so you can lead a life you adore. But when you are looking for a quality show to relax to, try one of the above and let me know what you think!

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