Removing The Obstacles To True Freedom (In Honor Of Those Who Died For Our Opportunity To Do So)

It was fitting that veteran Adam Wakefield taught my Memorial Day yoga class at Practice Yoga. I learned from his teacher bio that he now teaches yoga since the practice is the only thing that seemed to help his physical pain and mental anguish after spending 6 years in the army and 2 combat tours in Afghanistan.

During Adam’s class this morning that paid tribute to one of his best friends that lost his life in service to our country, I was reminded that there is an endless number of men and women lining up to fight for – even die for – our freedom. Thank you.

And while every single one of us Americans has democratic freedom, so many of us are not “free.” We are held captive by our own minds, our ways of thinking, and our limiting beliefs. We are enslaved by other’s expectations of us, sometimes even our own. We are prisoners of a victim-hood of our own making, blaming others, the circumstances of our lives, our genes, society, or anyone or anything else so that we can stay in the place of “poor me,” rather than living a life we adore.

All of these things that hold us “free” American citizens back from true personal “freedom” can be changed. We – each and every one of us – have the power within ourselves to change our thoughts, to live for our unique values and goals (not other people’s), and to move out of victim-hood into empowerment.

Yes, sometimes these changes take working with a coach, lots of therapy, a sweaty, kick-your-ass yoga class, divine intervention, a revolution, or all of the above. But we can be free. We DESERVE to be free. Truly free. To be ourselves, to love with an open heart, to shine our unique light on this world, to do whatever is our soul’s calling.

In honor of the men and women who lost their lives fighting for all of us, I embrace my freedom by committing to burn through whatever gets in the way of my personal inner freedom as I move through life. I beg of you to do the same.

I sit with a heart full of gratitude for the amazing people and experiences in my life, for the beautiful nature right outside all of our doors, and the simple everyday miracles right under our noses.

Be free.

Happy Memorial Day.

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