Research Says This Will Make You Happier

As much as I love the life I’ve created and my routine that makes me feel good, I enjoy just as much taking a fun vacation. According to a study published in 2010 in the journal Applied Research In Quality Of Life, however, it isn’t actually taking the trip that increases our joy. It’s the anticipation of it that has the greater impact on our happiness. 

My challenge to you, should you choose to accept it, is to plan something fun or exciting for yourself in the key areas of your life to boost your happiness levels. I personally have committed each year to a splurge vacation with my husband, a new experience vacation with our family, and some kind of girls’ weekend getaway. 

I’ve been speaking of vacations, but the activities you plan and look forward to don’t have to be a full-blown week away. You might plan an afternoon outing or one night away or even a night at home with your partner while Grandma and Grandpa take the kids overnight. I give you more examples below. 

When creating something to anticipate, consider these five key areas of your life:

1.     Family
2.     Partner
3.     Career
4.     Friends
5.     Personal Development

#1 Family

What is an afternoon outing that you can take your whole family on? Is there something that you’ve wanted to do, but haven’t put it on the books yet? Even if it’s a vacation a year from now, this planning will increase your level of happiness. 

Plus what a great way to make awesome memories with your kids. Most of my best childhood memories come from camping in our pop-up camper by the ocean, in the mountains, or even in the next town over!

#2 Partner

I find now that I have two little boys, it’s hard for my husband and I to connect intimately as we manage the needs of our family. What can you plan with your spouse so that you have something to look forward to and that can deepen your relationship? What will give you a chance to remember why you fell in love with that person in the first place? Get it on the books!

#3 Career

What is a new skill you’ve wanted to learn? What do you need to know or master in order to get the raise or promotion you’re working towards? Research different conferences or online trainings that can improve your skills. There’s likely a networking event that will help you meet the right people to advance your career, find a mentor, or explore a new career path. Schedule it in your calendar!

#4 Friends

At one point I found that my life was getting so full it was hard for me to stay connected to my friends. After having my boys, however, I realized how crucial these friendships were to help me survive the demands of motherhood! 

I have some friends who are great about reaching out and planning girls nights or play dates. But since I’m not one to leave the joy in my life to chance, I’ve committed to also being an organizer of fun myself. 

Who are those friends you miss or haven’t seen in awhile? Schedule lunch or a cup of coffee with them. Maybe you plan a full girls weekend where you rent a cabin and get away to refresh, reconnect, and rejuvenate together. 

Remember, you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, so choose your friends wisely! 

#5 Personal Development

What do you want to work on for yourself? This might be learning a new skill, like playing the guitar or how to cook healthier family-friendly meals. Maybe you just need to put your phone on airplane mode and take a spa day. Is there a book on meditation that you’ve wanted to read or an online course that speaks to you? Plan it into your schedule and check it off your list!


Go through each of these five areas and plan something to look forward to so you can feel happy. The happier you are, the more love you have, which means the more love you will spread. Everyone who comes in contact with you (in both big and small ways) will be better off!

Cheers to your (and our) happiness!

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