I Farted In Yoga Class The Other Day

I farted in yoga class the other day. I yelled at my kids because I was too tired to validate their feelings. I said yes, even though I wanted to say no. I had a glass of wine rather than sitting with what was upsetting me. I judged someone, instead of exploring what the situation had to teach me about myself. I blamed and chose to stay in victim mode, stuck in my own story. I let my 7-year-old wounded inner child be in conversation with my husband, rather than ensuring my adult self showed up for our relationship.

I’m human. I make mistakes. As a coach, I don’t pretend to be perfect or always make the right choices.

I do, however, use my personal journey to teach. I share my experiences – both positive and negative – so we can all make better, more mindful decisions more often than not. I remember that as human beings, our real-ness and shared struggles can connect and inspire our collective growth and greater consciousness, so much more than a mask of false perfection can.

I’ve chosen to play big in my life. This means there will be more opportunities for bigger mistakes. With bigger mistakes comes greater learning and deeper growth.

A Course In Miracles says we are all special, yet none of us are. Meaning we can all do great, incredible things with our life, yet no one person is any more capable of doing greater things than any other.

The thing is, not everyone is willing to answer the call when they hear it. Not everyone is willing to live courageously and continue to do the work (because the work never ends, my friends).

Are you? Are you ready? Are you ready to stop playing small and safe? Are you ready to spread your wings and see how far you can fly?

Are you ready yet? Because a life beyond your wildest dreams is here, patiently waiting for you to wake up and say “yes.” Waiting for you to get out of your own way. Waiting for you to stake your claim and be up to something big. The only thing in your way is you.

Get out of your way.

With love and encouragement for your growth,


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