A Meditation To Be Part Of The Solution

Are you contributing to the solution for this worldwide crisis? Or the problem?

I hope you’ve allowed yourself to feel and move through the 5 stages of grief of your old “normal” (as per my previous blog). And that you are finding yourself more and more in the acceptance stage. Because, yes, you get to grieve, but also, it’s time to wake up. As with anything in life, we can’t sit in victim mode or be at the effect of life. We must be in co-creation of the life we want. It’s no different now with coronavirus than it was a month ago while you were trying to balance kids, career, your marriage and health.

My challenge to you is to check your thoughts: Are they fearful, or are they lovely? Are they lack-based, or are they of abundance? Is your ego judging sides, taking a political stance, or pointing fingers? Or have you recognized our global, human oneness, our need to come together and disrupt the me-driven business as usual that has haunted us through most of our lifetime?

It’s time to wake up. It’s time to be part of the solution. It’s time to check yo’ self before you wreck yo’ self… and our whole planet.

Shift into action. Shift into love. Shift into giving and contributing and being part of the solution (while you stay home and give our medical systems room to breathe).

Shut off the effing news already and watch this meditation/visualization/prayer to contribute to the solution of this crisis below. Start here. Then, as I tell all my clients, be in action. Donate, give, help, love, come together, drop your ego. Let’s do this.

I love you and I believe in us.

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