What Are You Daydreaming Into Reality?

One of my teachers recently asked our community to look at the reality we are creating for our world with our daydreams. (Our daydreams are the 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts that run through our minds each day.)

When I looked at the world I was creating through some of my daydreams, it scared me. It was horror movie and war drama kind of stuff that I don’t even want to think or write about any more, but I do want to share on a broader level to make a point.

As diligent as I am about watching my thoughts and choosing ones that are positive and contribute to what I want to create for myself, I sometimes find myself sucked into the great fear, worry, and anger that seems to dominate our world these days on a global level. Seeing what these thoughts create was a wake-up call for me to continually check myself and move back to daydreaming joy and peace into existence. 

If you don’t know it yet, your thoughts create your world. Our mind literally dreams things into reality. There are thousands of books on this from scientific to metaphysical, and I have hundreds of my own examples I can share with you about this truth – but this is not the time or place for this conversation. 

The conversation we need to be having NOW is if you are daydreaming a beautiful reality for our world into existence. 

This is what I now choose to daydream about:

  • Seeing myself and my family in perfect health.
  • Seeing our world leaders (all of them, including Trump) surrounded by light, making loving kind decisions from their heart for the greater good of our planet.
  • Seeing immunity, science, and solutions for the virus that serves us all.
  • Seeing Mother Earth surrounded in love and light, flourishing, abundant, loved, and taken care of by her children.
  • Seeing humans of all ages, sizes, races, political standpoints, and backgrounds dancing together in joy, laughter, equality, health, and hugs.
  • Seeing humans waking up to live out their purpose as they were put on this earth to do, and in doing so, all love, hope, healing, and solutions working themselves out. 
  • Seeing small businesses thriving, people doing work they love and supporting their families, people giving and helping others, so they can in turn give, help, and receive more.
  • Seeing myself continuing to be guided by Spirit on this journey through Earth School, being authentically me and making the mark on this world I am meant to.

I see smiles, joy, and oneness. I see it. I feel it. Do you?

What you focus on expands. What you experience within yourself becomes the outward reality you live in.

Because I know this to be true, I do a few minutes of intentional daydreaming about the world I want to create after meditating in the morning. But remember, our daydreams are constant – happening with every single thought, not just the meditative ones.

So check your thoughts. Check your daydreams. Bring them back to love. Bring them back to joy. Bring them back to peace. If we can see and feel it, it will come to be. 

Happy diligent dreaming! 


Sara Mueller
Transformation Coach & Mindfulness Expert
Specializing in Life Balance, Emotional Wellness & Conscious Parenting

P.S. The other important step of this process is to continue doing your inner work. So many of our daily thoughts are subconscious, placed in our childhood minds by culture, religion, the education system, and more. You must deconstruct your conditioned thinking so it doesn’t get in the way of daydreaming the reality you desire into existence. You must also heal your childhood trauma (which we all have to some degree) because it, too, has developed mostly subconscious limiting beliefs within you that holds you back from creating a life you love. If you are ready for this work to finally up-level your life, let’s talk about how I can support you with my uniquely tailored coaching options. 

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