2 Ways To Uncover Your Biggest Dream To Focus On Right Now

Quarantine helped me remember the power of focus. With less time for my work I was forced to identify necessary essentials (including what I used to think was necessary, but really wasn’t) and also which projects I was most passionate about.

I knew I only had space for one of my big ideas, so I turned all my attention to my prescriptive nonfiction book that centers around my Mindful Balanced Life (MBL) Method that I coach my clients through.

This is why you haven’t heard from me the past few weeks, and why you may not hear from me on a regular weekly basis for a while. I’ve committed to writing a minimum of 750 words a day so that I can have my “shitty first draft” (as its called in the writing world so we don’t get deterred by perfectionism) done in 3 months. I’ve been successful with this commitment for several weeks now – yay me!

(Remember, we must celebrate both little and big milestones along the way to make the journey more juicy and keep energetic momentum behind our goals. Plus YOU are responsible for your own acknowledgement. Expecting someone else to honor your progress will only set you up for disappointment. Take control of your own validation from the strength and worthiness within you!)

I can’t wait to share my book baby with you when the time is right. And I will continue to pop into your inbox from time to time when I have something of value to offer.

For now, I encourage you to get laser-focused on your big goal, dream, or passion. On ONE thing.

What is it deep within you that is wanting to come out?

What is the important work of your life right now in the present moment? Don’t get overwhelmed thinking about your life’s work over the next 40 years. Think about your life’s work, your dream, today, happening right now!

If you get still and give yourself permission to hear and feel the answer, it will come to you, as freeing or scary as it might be. Let it surface. Let it out.

Yes, these are crazy times we are in. But it doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to be happy. It doesn’t mean you need to put your dreams on hold. It doesn’t mean you can’t have success (whatever that means for you).

You are the only one that can be in action to make your dream come true. And YOU are the only one that can get in the way of it not coming to fruition.

Get out there and laser-focus!

Sara Mueller
Transformation Coach & Mindfulness Expert specializing in Life Balance, Emotional Wellness & Conscious Parenting for Career Moms who desire a more authentic, purpose-driven life.

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