Sneaky Limitations Blocking Your Abundance – Part 1

Part of my personal development and entrepreneurial journey over the last decade has been to move from a lack mindset into one of abundance. And to open up my entire life – personally and financially – to more prosperity. My abundance beliefs and money story healing is the focus of the chapter of my forthcoming book that I finished drafting last month. 

As we’re quickly making our way into the New Year, I thought it would be helpful to share some content from Chapter 12 “Opening Up To Abundance & Prosperity” with you. I’m going to deliver it to you in four parts over the next few weeks, starting today with Part 1: Sneaky Limitations From Your Money Story. 

Here goes!…. 

Do You View The World From Lack Or Abundance?

 There are two ways to view the world. One is with an abundance mindset. The other is with a lack or scarcity mindset. If you view the world from lack, you believe that the world is made up of one pie. You believe all the money, jobs, resources, opportunities, happiness, and love sits in this one pie. And that means if you take a piece of the pie, there is less pie for someone else. Similarly, if someone else has a piece of the pie, that means there is less pie for you. Resources are scarce, limited, and finite. Your general world view is that there is not or never enough. 

If you view the world from abundance, there is no pie! There is bountiful wealth, jobs, resources, and love for all. This abundance mindset is the truth of our world, because we are part of the universe and the universe is infinite. There is never-ending abundance available to all. 

If you view the world from a place of abundance you step into your role of creator and create the life of your dreams, figuring things out along the way and tapping into the rich abundance of our world. 

How Your Money Story Impacts Your Abundance 

Much of what contributes to our abundance or lack mindset is our money story, or the beliefs we have about money. These money beliefs – like all beliefs – were GIVEN to you. They are not your authentic beliefs. 

You got your beliefs about money from: 

1) The era you live in. (If a depression, recession, or war was prevalent during your formative years, for example, it can impact the abundance or scarcity you notice.) 

2) Your parents’ and close care-givers’ beliefs about money. 

3) Your childhood experiences. 

I want you to pause right now and think about the very first memories you have about money. Who were you with? What was happening? What words were used and what was the energy behind the words and the experience? 

Now think about all the specific messages about money you got from your parents, Sunday School teachers, relatives, and other trusted adults. Did you hear: 

-Money is the root of all evil.
-Money leads to greed.
-Money is dirty.
-You have to work really hard and long hours to have money.
-Money doesn’t grow on trees.
-Other people have money – not us.
-People with lots of money do bad things.
-Rich people have their priorities all wrong.
-Wealthy people are greedy. 

What else did you hear or infer about money? 

Your first money experiences and the messages that you heard from others became your beliefs about money. Because these beliefs were given to you, you can choose whether or not you want to keep them for yourself.You can choose to adopt different ones that better serve you.

 Subconscious Limitations Are Sneaky 

Now, even if you feel you are doing well financially, I want you to continue exploring these money mindset concepts. Because our abundance limitations can be sneaky. Maybe you have a very high paying job, but because you subconsciously believe people with money are bad or selfish, you spend or give away every dime you make nearly immediately so you don’t actually accumulate any wealth. 

Or maybe you’ve subconsciously created a ceiling of how much financial abundance you allow into your life. You make $100,000 a year, but never much more than that. Because it allows you to enjoy your current lifestyle, but won’t seem like too much to your family or friends who you fear may judge you or think you are becoming greedy. 

Or, perhaps you need to grow into a person that can handle greater wealth and abundance. As most personal development teachers and coaches like myself will remind you: The skills and mindset that got you here, are not the same skills and mindset you need for your next up-level. Who do you need to become to align with the abundance that is possible in your life? 

So tune in. No matter your level of wealth consciousness, there is expansion available for you. (We are always either expanding or contracting, so you might as well invite in expansion here!) 

Your Money Mindset Impacts Your Overall Life Abundance 

When I first started working on my money mindset, I saw shifts almost instantly in my way of being. Not only was I attracting more abundance to my life, I was also harnessing the creative power of the universe even more. When I saw the truth that our world is infinite and prosperous, and that since I am part of this world, these adjectives could describe me too, I began quickly shifting how I showed up in all areas of my life. 

Here’s to your shift! 

💖 Lots of love, your coach,

P.S. We focus on an abundant mindset and healing your money story in my Mindful Balanced Life coaching program. Read more about it here!

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