If You Can’t Find It, Create It

About six months ago I realized its lonely over here in small-business entrepreneurship land. I was building an amazing team, but missed badass businesswomen I could brainstorm and connect with on the regular, like I used to before COVID when I was frequently attending coaching trainings and events. Recognizing this void, I started writing “I have an amazing network that skyrockets me” in my goals journal every week.  

Hopefully you remember that if you write down a goal, you are 42% more likely to achieve it. And I believe that if you regularly write down your goals – like daily or weekly, rather than just once – you can supercharge your unconscious brain to work even quicker to help you spot opportunities that will fulfill your goal. Some call this the Law of Attraction, others see it as the power of our brain. I believe in both. The bottom line: We need to know clearly what we want – and openly state it – so we can find, create, and attract the life we desire.  

Following this intentional act in my goals journal, networking opportunities started showing up for me. (Yes, they were there before, but I didn’t see them because I wasn’t focused on it.) I partook in them gratefully but still felt like I needed more. One day I got a divine download that said, “If you can’t find it, create it.”  

So I did.  

I created a virtual mastermind with my coaching sisters from all over the world to brainstorm and uplift our businesses. (Some said no when I presented the idea; the right ones said yes.) I have a local women’s mastermind in the works, too. I messaged a bunch of people in the yearlong leadership mentorship program I’m in, and invited myself into their accountability group. (Again, lots of people said no or didn’t respond; the right group said yes.) Then, a woman in this program of 6,000+ global participants found me on Facebook since we live only 15 minutes from each other, and, with one other local woman as well, established a regular lunch meet-up right here in Naples so we can cheer each other on through our leadership journey.  

See how the universe always responds to the messages you put out and, even more importantly, the actions you are willing to take?  

In a short time, the connection I felt with others and the quality of my life and relationships skyrocketed – yes, that’s the word that just popped into my brain! Remember my written goal from above?! Skyrocket.  

The one thing that was still missing for me was more regular connection to this beautiful Joy Discovered community that we have growing here. A group of ambitious women committed to enhancing their balance, confidence, and courage so they can live out their purpose and raise thriving children. I love writing to you and reading your comments on Instagram and our Facebook group, but I want more opportunity to teach the wisdom I’ve gained through the years, to coach you through your growth, and to see you shine in your RADIANT GREATNESS.  

Later this month, I’ll share with you some details on a new project I’ve been birthing that will fulfill this need. But for now, journal on the following:  

·         Am I clear about what’s missing in my life and exactly what I want?
·         Am I writing down my goals and boldly owning them?
·         What can I take ownership of and create for myself?  

Lots of love to you, my powerful creator.
Your coach,

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