Snapshots 📸

I created a fun new habit I want to share with you.

It helps me slow down and be present.

It helps me savor special moments. (Savoring is a high-impact way of practicing gratitude.)

It helps me create memories, which improves feelings of contentment.

It helps me enjoy life more.

It’s something I call snapshots.

When my little boys who aren’t so little any more are wrapped up tight in a brotherly embrace, I take a mental photograph and say “snapshot” in my head.

When the blue sky behind the faint clouds is so bright it’s practically sparkling, I take a mental photograph and say “snapshot” in my head.

When a client is radiating out her authentic power, beauty, and freedom on the other side of our Zoom call, I take a mental photograph and say “snapshot” in my head.

When my husband gives me a goofy grin in the middle of doing the breakfast dishes, packing backpacks, and filling water bottles, I take a mental photograph and say “snapshot” in my head.

I’ve not once been drawn to snapshot my bank account, how many items I crossed off my to-do list, or anything on social media. Instead, snapshots are the magical moments that make this life beautiful. The things that fill my heart. The experiences that bring true, lasting joy.

The more images I snapshot, the more snapshot images present themselves to me.

Give it a try. I know you will love it.

Snapshot. 📸

Lots of love, your coach,


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