What Will Help You Feel Less Overwhelmed Right Now


Do you freeze when you look at your schedule or to-do list for the day or week? Do you find yourself up at night thinking about all you have to do when you should be getting sleep? Do you feel overwhelmed on a regular basis?

Then my latest YouTube video is for you!

On it, I share 5 ways to help you feel less overwhelmed so you can alleviate worry, be productive, and enjoy your one precious life more! I discuss:

  • Why overwhelm means you are living in the future and how to bring yourself back to the present
  • Why worry is necessary (yes, you read that right: necessary) and how to use it to support you
  • The power of getting everything on paper – and the most efficient way to do so
  • How to protect your time and energy and stop being “busy”
  • Understanding what overwhelm is trying to tell you so you can make more empowering decisions in your life

Give it a watch and let me know what you think in the comments section!

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