Training Your Subconscious And The Power Of Thoughts

When I first started teaching yoga, on my drive to class I’d repeat out loud, “I am a kickass yoga teacher. I am a kickass yoga teacher. I am a kickass yoga teacher.”

I was new at teaching. It was messy. I was being more vulnerable than I had ever been, and I lacked the experience that builds confidence. I desperately wanted to be loved by my students and to inspire them the same way my many great yoga teachers had inspired me.

By showing up again and again and learning along the way, I strengthened my craft. Soon, I had regulars, and they were bringing their friends! “Sara kicks our ass!” they’d say with a loving smile, and every once in a while, they’d add, “in a gentle, fun kind of way.”

My reputation as an “ass-kicking yoga instructor” even expanded outside the studio to the local lululemon store and greater Naples community.

Do you remember the affirmation I repeated on my drive to yoga class in those early days of teaching?

“I am a kickass yoga teacher.”

I was starting to recognize the power of my thoughts, especially “I am” statements. Around that same time in my life, I drove all the way across Alligator Alley to Fort Lauderdale by myself on a work night to listen to a lecture by the late, great Dr. Wayne Dyer. That night, he advised all of us in the packed hotel ballroom to be diligent with the words we chose after the phrase “I am.” Dr. Dyer believed those two words are the most powerful words we can use to create the results of our life, negative or positive.

Because of Dr. Dyer’s advice and my success at becoming a kickass yoga teacher with the assistance of my thoughts and perseverance, I started experimenting with “I am” statements. While out on my morning runs, I’d affirm what I wanted to create for myself over and over in my head: “I am an amazing mom. I am a powerful executive. I am a loving wife. I am healthy. I am fit. I am fun.”

I came across books by Napoleon Hill, Neville Goddard, Trevor Blake, and so many others who all seemed to be saying the same thing: Your thoughts create your world. What you put out into the world, you get back. What you focus on expands. Thoughts become things. Like attracts like. You become what you think about most of the time.

The more we listen to angry and fearful news, the more angry and scared we become. The more we think about our financial issues, the more financial issues we create. The more we listen to uplifting and inspiring podcasts and books, the more inspired we feel. The more we focus on opportunities and solutions, the more success we create. The more gratitude we express, the more things we have to be grateful for.

Now, this all sounds great in theory: keep your mind positive and focus on prosperity and it will be yours. But many of us dream about a new Lexus or a bigger house or a better job, yet it doesn’t come to fruition. Why is that?

Because our subconscious mind is much more powerful than our conscious mind. Research estimates that 90 to 95 percent of the time we are operating from our subconscious, on autopilot, reliving patterns our brain has created to preserve its energy. If you do the math, that means we use our conscious brain less than 10% of the time!

So even if in our conscious mind we are focusing on the positive and thinking optimistic thoughts, there’s a whole other world of thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and experiences residing in our subconscious. If those thoughts are low-vibe, negative, limiting beliefs, they will overpower the positive work we are doing in our conscious mind.

Most of us don’t know what resides in our subconscious mind – that’s why it’s called the subconscious, after all! In order for real change to happen for you, though, you have to shift what’s going on there. Through self-mastery this is possible, and that’s what I’ll continue sharing with you through my work.

Here’s to making your subconscious conscious! 

Love of love and #haveitall,
💜 Your Coach,


  1. | 17th Apr 22

    This was a great read and motivation to listen to what I tell myself and keep the self-talk positive. Thank you Sara!

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