The Not-So-Soft “Soft” Skill To Master For Impactful Leadership

Emotional intelligence is often defined as a “soft skill” since it’s not a technical skill or related to IQ. But there is nothing soft about being an emotionally intelligent leader. Here are four reasons emotional intelligence is a not-so-soft “soft skill” and, instead, a consistent ability of the strongest, most effective leaders you know.

1. Emotional Intelligence Requires Raw Honesty With Yourself

Self-awareness, the first pillar of emotional intelligence, requires an honest assessment of how others perceive you and your strengths, weaknesses, triggers, reactions, and relational patterns. Most of us don’t actively seek this feedback from others and prefer instead to stay in ignorance or delusion about our shortcomings.

To be an emotionally intelligent leader, you must gain self-awareness and regularly get feedback on your leadership abilities from those above, below, and at the same level as you. This becomes even more difficult the more senior we get in our careers because fewer people are willing to speak candidly with us for fear of the consequences to their job or livelihood in doing so.

Click HERE for 3 more reasons emotional intelligence isn’t such a “soft” skill after all  – from my most recent article in Brainz Magazine

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