How To Grow Into Your Goals

I LOVE learning and am always enrolled in at least one course or program or working with a coach. 🎉 This month (November 2022), I’m celebrating my completion of the Professional Certificate in Trauma & Resilience from Florida State University!! 🎉 This was such a great complement to my psychology and emotional intelligence (EQ) background. (Resilience is closely tied to the 2nd pillar of EQ: self-management.)

We are either growing or we are dying. I know which one I choose!

While formal programs like this from universities or other experts are great and have solid credential recognition, you can also create your own educational “program,” which I do often.

☝️ First, I’ll look at my top 3 goals for the year.

✌️ Next, I identify what skill I have to learn in order to achieve that goal. (Because we don’t accomplish goals, we grow into them.)

👉 Then, I read as many books as I can get my hands on around that subject and also look for an online course, seminar, or coach who specializes in the skill I want to enhance.

(Hiring a coach is by far the quickest way to master a new skill or up-level because you get unfiltered, in-the-moment access to their 10,000 hours of expertise – plus accountability to actually implement what you learn since, often, when we read a book or take a course, sadly we just consume the info, but never put it into practice).

I don’t have a hard and fast way to decide when to quit studying a certain topic, though my success coach is very strategic about this, devoting one quarter to each skill he’s enhancing. Usually, I reach a point where I feel confident in what I’ve learned, like I could teach it to my clients or audience if the opportunity arose, and then move on to the next skill that’s most closely aligned with my big three goals.

I understand the majority of humans aren’t obsessed with growth like I am. Most humans are ok with the status quo, going through the motions, running on the tread mill of life only to arrive at the weekend or a week-long vacation in Mexico.

I suspect, though, that since you’re reading this email, you are more like me than the average human. You desire more. You know you are made for more. You’re dedicated to maximizing your talents and making the most of this one precious life you’ve been given. Being average is not ok.

If that’s you, I’m so glad you’re here! And I look forward to continuing to share my emotional intelligence learnings with you on a regular basis through blogs, keynotes, courses, and coaching.

Lots of love,
💜 Your coach,


  1. How To Grow Into Your Goals – DAILY GRUMPS AD | 12th Nov 22

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