My 200th Blog! How To Turn Goals Into Milestones

🐯 200: The number of white tigers that exist in the world today.

📺 “The One With The Male Nanny” is the 200th episode of the TV show Friends.

🎶 “Changes” by David Bowie is the 200th greatest song of all time, according to Rolling Stone.

🥔 There are more than 200 types of potatoes sold in the U.S.

💜🟣🟪 🎉 200: The number of blogs I have written since founding my business in 2017!! 🎉 🟪🟣💜

Writing 200 blogs and running a small business is no easy feat. There were mornings I procrastinated away hours before I faced the scary blank screen. There were nights (not too long ago either) when my husband came home from work and found me balled up on our closet floor in tears, ready to throw in the towel. There were moments when I hit “publish” even though I was engulfed in imposter syndrome and fear of others not liking my work.

But I pulled myself up off the floor and kept going… to 200 blogs (the equivalent of 2.5 nonfiction books!) and what is now a thriving speaking and coaching business where I regularly hear from clients and audience members that “this was life-changing for me!”

I’m sharing all this with you in hopes it will inspire you to:

1. Just begin. Whatever dream is on your mind or in your heart is there for a reason. We have no way of knowing where it will end up but I can say for certain it won’t go anywhere until you get started. Begin small; begin now!

2. Keep going. Success takes perseverance and consistency. Each time I wrote a blog I learned something and became a stronger writer. My early blogs were messy and confusing (some still are!) but I kept showing up. We can build any skill or craft (even emotional intelligence (EQ) skills like empathy, having crucial conversations, and speaking with influence), by continuing to “do the thing,” gain feedback, get results, and grow.

3. Remain flexible. My blog formats and even topics have shifted over the years, but I kept following what excited me and what my audience wanted to learn more about. It’s led me to where I am today. I’m sure next year will look different. Set the vision, write down your goals, then pivot, turn, or change without rigidity.

🙏🙏 Thank you for being a Joy Discovered reader and fan!

Where is 200 taking you?

Love and success,
💜 Your coach,

For a loving reminder to KEEP GOING, DOWNLOAD this image.

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