A Sneaky Form Of Procrastination (& what to do about it)

As high performers, we are driven to do our best. For the most part, this serves us, but as we strive for excellence in everything, we can feel overwhelmed or quickly burn out. If we fall into the trap of achieving perfection, we have given ourselves over to a form of procrastination (and stay stuck trying to attain something that’s not even possible).

It can help us to implement what I call Marquis Moments.

☝️ On Sunday night, look at your schedule for the upcoming week and identify the 2 – 3 projects, activities, or meetings that are most important to your work (or life) and that you can have the most impact on. These are the Marquis Moments where you really need to shine.

✌️ Double down on these Marquis Moments. Give your best. Schedule time to work on them early in the day and week at your prime productivity hours. Aim for a 13 out of 10 on these 2 – 3 items for the week.

Sample Marquis Moments include:

  • Lunch with a potential client
  • Team meeting to rally them for the launch a new service
  • Quarterly budget review with your board of directors
  • Writing the monthly blog for your newsletter
  • Negotiating with a vendor partner on a major purchase
  • The guest experience during dinner service
  • Breakfast with your son on his birthday

Sample NON-Marquis Moments include:

  • Responding to emails
  • Reviewing financial reports
  • Scheduling childcare for your next business trip
  • The formatting of your notes that only you will see for an employee review conversation
  • Social media posts

These of course will vary depending on your job and the unique expertise that you offer. Non-Marquis Moments, yes, need to happen, but they don’t require you to operate at a 10 out of 10. These are best scheduled for your least fresh hours of the day or week.

“How we do anything is how we do everything,” goes the famous saying that I agree with. So I am not saying to get sloppy or lower your commitment to quality. But to recognize that as humans, the reality is it’s impossible for us to be “on” 100% of the time. So choose the Marquis Moments that you need to shine and double down on them!

Love and success,
💜 Your coach,

P.S. Want to learn how my proprietary Executive Coaching framework can help you achieve your leadership goals while also building your influence through EQ? Book a free coaching consult with me now: https://JoyDiscovered.as.me/coachingconsult

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