Topic: Well-Being

Want to Feel Supported? Here’s What I Learned

“To be done right, I have to do it myself.” “Why is this happening to me?” “I’m gonna have to figure this out myself.” “I’m not supported.” Have you ever felt any of these ways?  These are common patterns I have to disrupt in my mind on a regular basis. These beliefs are false, but ones that I bought into at a very young age as I was trying to make sense of the world …

The Hidden Struggles Behind My Straight-A Smile

I was a master pretender, a super slick chameleon. I got straight As and graduated in the top 5% of my high school class with a 4.4 GPA, went to state for speech, mock trial, and softball, got confirmed Catholic, made good tip money working part-time as a server, and was chosen as Student Of The Month my senior year. Little did most people know that in high school I was stoned nearly all the …

Who Is Filling Your Cup?

You’re constantly pouring into others – your team, your family, your members, clients, customers, your friends, our community. You’re always filling someone else’s cup. But who is pouring into you? Your ability to perform and please others has gotten you here. But what is this “here” place you’ve arrived at? Is it joy? Is it meaning? Is it peace and freedom? If you’re like me and a lot of the clients I work with, your …

How to Find Joy in Life’s Peaks and Valleys

I’m a joy seeker – when I remember to slow down and love this life, that is! I get excited about adventures big and small and look for the magic that’s in everyday moments. And, of course, I named my EQ training and coaching business, Joy Discovered. Why joy? The definition of joy is “the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune.” I think it’s safe to say this is something you and I …

A Simple Exercise For More Joy

After my first son was born, I was grateful for all I had and my life that was now very full. But I was tired. There was no fire in my belly or skip in my step and it slowly ate away at me. “Life is supposed to be delicious,” I thought, but I didn’t have much of an appetite for anything.   Most of us experience this. We build a big career, have a child …