Browsing Tag: boundaries

EQ Through The Lens Of New York With 2 Kids

I introduced my 6- and 8-year-old to New York City over a long spring-break weekend earlier this month. New York holds a piece of my heart as I lived there for 4 years in my 20s, then worked for a Manhattan-based organization that brought me back to the city several times each year in my 30s. This week, I invite you to (vicariously) experience this short journey with my sons and I that will enhance …

Just Say No To Multitasking

We should create a war on multitasking, just as the government created a war on drugs in the 1980s. When it comes to multitasking, just… say… no. I know, I know… It feels like I’m taking away one of your superpowers. But multitasking is NOT a superpower. In fact, it’s super ineffective. As parents, we are expert multitaskers, because we are forced into doing it the minute that our baby is born. We nurse with one …

Less Frustration & Better Boundaries With Your Family This Holiday Season

Last September I started a gratitude journal for my husband. Every single day I wrote down one reason I loved him or was grateful for him. One year later, I gave him the journal as a birthday present. While it was meant to be a gift for him, it really ended up being a gift for me and our family. 💝 You see, all successful people know that what we focus on expands. I could …

4 Ways Social Media Can Support – Rather Than Undermine – Your Life

A 2019 Statistica Report shared that Americans on average spend 1 hour and 57 minutes on social media every day! That’s a big chunk of time. And while cutting down on social scrolling is ideal because it will free up two hours of time and energy for your real life, I recognize that there are benefits to social media. You’ll experience social media’s benefits — rather than its detriments — if you have the appropriate …