Browsing Tag: focus

Intentional Monthly Journaling To Create Joy & Success

It’s the 1st Monday of the month when I do my monthly Joy Journaling to ensure I’m intentional about creating joy in my life. (Joy definition = the feeling evoked by success, well-being, or good fortune). These are the 5 questions I journal on every month: 1. Focus – where was it? What did I learn? What needs to shift? 2. Stressors – plus how to overcome them 3. 80/20 thinking: What am I continuing …

Less Frustration & Better Boundaries With Your Family This Holiday Season

Last September I started a gratitude journal for my husband. Every single day I wrote down one reason I loved him or was grateful for him. One year later, I gave him the journal as a birthday present. While it was meant to be a gift for him, it really ended up being a gift for me and our family. đź’ť You see, all successful people know that what we focus on expands. I could …

Your “Superpower”​ That’s Lowering Your IQ 10 Points – Stop This!

You know that fried feeling in your brain at the end of a busy day?  That mentally exhausted, hard-to-focus, hard-to-transition-out-of-work-into-your-evening-roles feeling? That feeling like you’ve been smoking weed all day or just woke up from a first-night-of-vacation hangover? That feeling is from multitasking. Multitasking, or the constant switching from one task to the other, lowers your IQ by 10 points! (Comparatively, actually toking ganja lowers your IQ by only 5 points!) So, as the University …