Browsing Tag: personal development

5 Pillars of High-Performance Leadership

Maybe necessary conflicts are being avoided or output is inconsistent or retention and engagement of their teams is low. Maybe burnout or gossip or emotional outbreaks are derailing progress. Your leaders have been through many leadership trainings, but something seems to be missing. That something that is holding your leadership team back from high performance is self-mastery. I was recently invited to be an Executive Contributor to Brainz Magazine to write about leadership and personal …

How To Live A Life I Love (2 Ways To Uncover My Purpose)

Are you living a life you love? Have you uncovered your purpose? The path to answering “YES!” to each of these questions is the same, and it’s outlined in my latest YouTube video. It involves these two critical choices you must make: #1 Choose to be 100% responsible for the outcomes of your life. No blaming circumstances. No blaming others. No excuses. 100% responsibility for the outcomes of your life. #2 Know that whatever pain …

Why I Have Hope For 2021 & Honor 2020

No doubt, 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone. Beyond the pandemic, the vitriolic presidential campaign on both sides, and the social unrest, my family and I went through a private matter that just may have been one of the hardest months of my life. The key word here, though, is through. My family went THROUGH a challenge and came out on the other side a stronger, more aligned, more in love family than …

Research Says This Will Make You Happier

As much as I love the life I’ve created and my routine that makes me feel good, I enjoy just as much taking a fun vacation. According to a study published in 2010 in the journal Applied Research In Quality Of Life, however, it isn’t actually taking the trip that increases our joy. It’s the anticipation of it that has the greater impact on our happiness.  My challenge to you, should you choose to accept it, …