Browsing Tag: self-care

The Hidden Struggles Behind My Straight-A Smile

I was a master pretender, a super slick chameleon. I got straight As and graduated in the top 5% of my high school class with a 4.4 GPA, went to state for speech, mock trial, and softball, got confirmed Catholic, made good tip money working part-time as a server, and was chosen as Student Of The Month my senior year. Little did most people know that in high school I was stoned nearly all the …

Who Is Filling Your Cup?

You’re constantly pouring into others – your team, your family, your members, clients, customers, your friends, our community. You’re always filling someone else’s cup. But who is pouring into you? Your ability to perform and please others has gotten you here. But what is this “here” place you’ve arrived at? Is it joy? Is it meaning? Is it peace and freedom? If you’re like me and a lot of the clients I work with, your …

How To Help Your Team Increase Their Self-Awareness

“How can I help my team increase their self-awareness?” This was the most common question I got while at the CMAA World Conference in Vegas earlier this month.  (Well, besides the question: “Have you done anything for fun while in Vegas!?” The answer is yes, btw, I saw Cirque du Soleil’s Michael Jackson One and it was off the charts! People moonwalking up the side wall, zombies dropping down from the ceiling to Thriller, and …

An Effective Response To A Common Excuse

I don’t like when I scream at my kids. I hate it when my mind is too tired to think of creative solutions for my challenges at work. And I always regret when I lay into my husband from stress. I have found there is one activity that helps reduce all of these cringe-worthy behaviors of mine. It’s something you and I already know we need to do. It’s probably on your to-do list right now. It’s …

EQ Through The Lens Of New York With 2 Kids

I introduced my 6- and 8-year-old to New York City over a long spring-break weekend earlier this month. New York holds a piece of my heart as I lived there for 4 years in my 20s, then worked for a Manhattan-based organization that brought me back to the city several times each year in my 30s. This week, I invite you to (vicariously) experience this short journey with my sons and I that will enhance …