Am I An Impostor?

Am I An Impostor?

Have you ever started a new job and felt like you were an impostor who was bound to be “found out” eventually? Have you ever felt like your position in life was too good to be true, and it was all going to fall away eventually because surely you don’t deserve “this much” credit, support, or appreciation?

Well, my friend, you could be experiencing what is known as Impostor Syndrome. But you are not alone! I am almost certain that every high-achiever has felt similar feelings to yours at one point in their career.

Instead of letting the thoughts of being an impostor get to you, watch this video and keep working towards the life of your dreams! 🧠💪

In this video with my friend Colin Estrem, founder of Estrem & Co. Talent Acquisition, we discuss:

➡️ What is impostor syndrome and who does it impact the most?

➡️ Why our brain is trained to pay more attention to the negative, and how that contributes to impostor syndrome

➡️ The importance of owning your results and trusting those who have hired you

➡️ Why perfectionism is procrastination in disguise

#JoyDiscovered #haveitall

Have it all!

Your coach,

💜 Sara

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