Balance, Presence, Flow

I changed our Facebook group name to “Balance, Presence, Flow,” and here’s why…

Something about the old title of “Working Moms Creating Balance & Joy” wasn’t sitting right with me.

First of all, I think it’s fair to say that if we are moms, we are working. Some of us go to an office and get paid for our work during the day. Other moms do the hard work of raising our children and caring for our house, pets, parents, and so much more, and don’t get paid for it.

To me, it’s all work. And in this group (really, in all of my life) I want to be inclusive. So I’m altering the name of our group to invite in any women (not just moms) who care about being their best selves and contributing to the healthy development of their families, the deepening of their relationships, and creating joy and success in life… whatever success means to each person uniquely.

Being that I run a business and enjoy being a career-woman, I will continue to speak to balancing work and all the other things I love.

Let’s look at each of the words that I chose to represent the intention of the group:

#1 Balance

Google Dictionary defines balance as:

1. A condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.

2. An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.

Many people argue that life balance isn’t possible or real. And I say, “Bull!”

If we look at the first definition, balance is about finding the correct proportion of the different elements in your life. Know that these proportions will change EVERY DAY. But it’s absolutely possible to attain balance – with a little clarity on your values, mindfulness, and other tools I will share with you.

The second definition is also important because we all want to remain upright and steady. Even if we fall, or get out of balance, we can begin again and make our way back to steadiness, something that is sustainable for the long term.

#2 Presence

In order to enjoy the beautiful gifts of this world – anything from a sunset to the wrinkle on the nose of one of your children when they smile, we need to be present.

But too many of us are not.

We are busy, overwhelmed, and distracted. We spend time with our partner or kids physically, but mentally or emotionally, we are elsewhere. We enjoy a career or have dreams of making more impact in the world, yet we can’t focus on what is in front of us enough to move anything forward.

I will be teaching you more about the art of presence and mindfulness in our group.

#3 Flow

This final word was a tough one for me to decide upon. Close runner ups were growth, fun, and joy.

But I went with flow, because when we live an authentic life, when we do the inner work to step into our personal power, when we practice mindful living, success – no matter how we uniquely define it for ourselves – falls into place. Our life flows with ease and fun.

This word also represents how we must respond to challenging situations when they arise – because they will, that’s for sure!

When we learn how to respond rather than react, when we start to pause and choose how we want to behave rather than act out of habits formed when we were 7 years old, when we stay in gratitude and realize that anything we are getting from life is meant to help us learn and grown and evolve into a stronger version of ourselves, we are in flow.

What’s Next?

I admit, I have been very negligent of this group as I was managing my corporate job, coaching business, and the rest of life. But now that I’m transitioning out of corporate and into full-time coaching, writing, and speaking, I have some exciting things in store for our group. Think guided meditations, live Q&As addressing your top challenges, regular mini trainings, and more. I’ll announce details in the coming months!

So please, enjoy our updated Facebook group: Balance, Presence, Flow. If you haven’t joined yet, click here to do so!

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