Be The Lightning Before The Thunder

I love now that Mav is growing up (bittersweet tear) we both like some of the same songs. Here is one of our favorites: Thunder by Imagine Dragons. Check out the video and lyrics by clicking here!

I think he likes the easy chorus and silly dance moves I do when I play this song. I love the beat and words – they are a big fuel of inspiration for me now.

For too long in my life I responded to the weather that came up. I created a decent life amidst the thunder. But I was always going with the flow and turning my circumstances and opportunities into good outcomes. I was responding to my life, rather than being in creation of it.

When I finally decided to be “the lightning before the thunder” my life began to go from good to great. Since July I have been tirelessly working to create Joy Discovered, putting into reality the little glimpses of this dream I have been imagining throughout my adulthood.

At times, this dream feels too big, or too risky, or too uncertain. But when I went to India this summer, I had a glympse of what life looks like if I continue living passively, without using my God-given talents and sharing my voice. That is not the type of world I want to live in. And so I look the fear and uncertainty that arises in the face, acknowledge it, but choose to listen to different thoughts I’ve placed in my mind:

I am lightning.

I am powerful.

I am in creation of my fabulous life.

Since I have chosen to be the lightning to create the thunder in my life, everything is miraculously falling into place. I get daily messages from the universe telling me I am on the right path (evidence, my mindset coach calls it). I feel in flow now, but it’s a flow with a strong force driven by passion, excitement, love, and courage. A flow that I generate, rather than one that leads me.

Now that I have a taste of what it’s like to be the lightning, I can’t go back to any other way.

#notayessir #notafollower

Now your turn. Journal on the following:

  • Where in my life am I being in creation? Where am I letting other people or situations drive me.
  • What’s the benefit I get out of letting others dictate how my life flows? Am I willing to give that up?
  • What is it that I truly want out of my life?
  • The top three goals I have around my wildest dreams are…
  • The steps I will begin taking to accomplish these goals are…

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