Topic: Conscious Parenting

Asking For Help, Freedom In Authenticity & Taking Back Power

One year ago, I launched my book baby, The Balanced Life Blueprint! It’s been an incredible journey—one that still feels like it’s just beginning. I’m beyond grateful for your support and for having you on this wild ride with me! As I reflected on what I learned through this process, I recorded a short video sharing the biggest insights from this experience—lessons I know will benefit you, too. 👉 Watch it here: What publishing my …

My 7-Year-Old Swears 🤬 …What It Taught Me About EQ

I kept catching my 7-year-old swearing. 😦 I can’t blame him – my husband and I have potty mouths and don’t usually filter the way we speak or what we talk about in front of our boys. And as you know, our teams (whether at work or home) will do what we DO rather than do what we SAY. Still, it’s not ok with me that my 7-year-old swears. “But Mama, when I get frustrated, it feels SO GOOD …

6 Surprising Leadership Lessons I’ve Learned Being a Mom

In honor of Mother’s Day this past Sunday, I wanted to share 6 surprising – and powerful – emotional intelligence leadership lessons I’ve learned being a mom. Can you relate to any of these? 1) Fear and shaming might garner compliance in the short term, but leads to apathy or power struggles in the long term. 2) When my child triggers me, it’s an arrow towards work I still need to do for my inner world. …

Leave Work At Work: The Power of Intentional Transitions

If you’re like a lot of leaders I work with, your spouse knows almost as much about the annoying clients or staff drama you deal with every day as you do. It’s hard to separate work from home – especially when work is extra stressful. So we often unload on our partners because we need someone to vent to. I get it; I find myself ruminating on frustrations or conversations I wish would have gone a different …

Where Did My Communication Style Come From?!

In my family, being a “good” kid was rewarded. I learned quickly that good kids didn’t question authority – especially religion. Good kids were agreeable and pleasant and didn’t cause conflict. I was to be a good kid and go along with the status quo. My communication was to follow suit. When I became a teenager and rebelled against having to be a good kid for so long, I voiced my opinions with aggression and volume. As soon …