Mike and I got in trouble at school today. Well, officially it was Mav who got in trouble at preschool, but his actions come down to what he learns from us, right? This Sunday, Mike and I got in a heated argument when we were driving home from the zoo with the kids. We are both highly passionate people, especially when it comes to arguing, so our conversations can rise in intensity pretty quickly. We’ve …
I believe in staying in a regular state of inquiry, continually examining all the areas of my life as I change and grow. I ask myself: Am I making decisions based on what I value or because of some external pressure or influence? Are the thoughts that I have about something really true, and can I create space around them to let go of rigidity? Am I living my life with no regrets? Earlier this …
1. Putting medicine in a glass of chocolate milk with a spoonful of sugar (thank you Mary Poppins) is way easier than chasing my three-year-old around the house for 30 minutes or trying to reason with him why he needs to take it. 2. Halloween candy should always be kept in the house for emergency bribing situations. 3. Baths somehow calm everyone down and change the energy dynamic instantly. 4. Pirate’s Booty and Mama snuggles …
I’ve been working on this blog for less than a month and already it’s causing a shift towards more joy in my life. Tonight as the boys and I were wrapping up dinner, the ominous navy sky broke open to sheets of pouring rain. Tropical Storm Emily had graced us with her presence yet again. I don’t remember exactly how it came to be but we all, dogs included, ended up out on our lanais …
It could have been magic, but I turned away. It had been a long day. Kyen kept me up most of the night with his snoring (he was sleeping with us because of his cold). I spent an hour cooking a homemade veggie burger that was bland and not worth the big mess in my recently cleaned kitchen. The dogs were barking to go outside, even though they had been out just 45 minutes earlier. …