Topic: Conscious Parenting

Just Say No To Multitasking

We should create a war on multitasking, just as the government created a war on drugs in the 1980s. When it comes to multitasking, just… say… no. I know, I know… It feels like I’m taking away one of your superpowers. But multitasking is NOT a superpower. In fact, it’s super ineffective. As parents, we are expert multitaskers, because we are forced into doing it the minute that our baby is born. We nurse with one …

4 Ways To Parent With More Joy

“I’m grateful for butt cracks and farts…” I never thought that sentence would fill my heart with joy, but now that I have two little boys, it does. Here’s why: I’ve adopted four views on parenting that help me parent with more joy. #1 I deeply desire my boys to shine bright and be their authentic selves. 🌟I never want to dim their light. This is one of the top reasons that I got trained to …

4 Conscious Parenting Mistakes To Avoid

If you’re a parent or a parent-to-be, you’ve likely heard of the concept ‘conscious parenting’. BUT, ▪️ How do you know if you’re parenting UNconsciously?▪️ What are examples of these so-called UNconscious parenting ways? ▪️ What are you do if you *are* parenting UNconsciously? We’ve put together a free workbook titled ‘4 Conscious Parenting Mistakes to Avoid‘, which encapsulates the teaching and exercises of our conscious parenting workshop. This is a guide to what may be holding you …

How To Have It All ‒ 4 Ways You Can Start Today

I believe we CAN have it all. It’s my life’s work to help ambitious leaders realize this possibility and create more balance and impact at both work and home. In order to #haveitall, however, you must embrace these four steps below. 1. Believe that having it all is possible. Having it all is possible for everyone, including you! But first, you must believe that it’s true. When you believe in something and focus on that …

What Unmet Need Is Causing This Behavior?

Kyen gripped the edge of the Target shopping cart with his little hands like a prisoner clutches the bars of a jail cell. He rocked his body back and forth as if the rocking would bust him out into freedom. At the same time, Maverick crawled underneath the shopping cart and wedged his body into the bottom shelf where I usually place cases of sparkling water. He dragged his feet like a door-stopper, making the …