Topic: Emotional Intelligence

Why We Shrink & Dim Our Light

Ever wonder why you second guess your abilities at work or underperform even though you know you’re capable of so much more? Have you ever looked in the mirror after a fight with your partner and asked, “Why did I add to this drama between us?” Or maybe you keep waking up each morning hopeful for some passion and a skip in your step, but instead it feels like you have kettlebells strapped to your ankles and …

How To Transition Your Managers Into Leaders

The Reality Long gone are the days of 20th century leadership that was coercive, top-down, authoritative, and militaristic. 👋 While there are a few instances where this type of leadership is effective (like during a turnaround or natural disaster), research from Hay/McBer found it’s the least effective style of leadership.  Long gone is the loyal-for-the-long-term workforce that sucked it up when things got tough, worked hard long hours without complaint, and were happy just getting a paycheck every …

The 3 S’s Of Gratitude (and why your success depends on it)

Vast research has found that people who regularly practice gratitude: 👍 Have more energy👍 Are less likely to be depressed, anxious, or lonely👍 Experience a higher quality of sleep👍 Get fewer headaches👍 Feel stronger social connections👍 Are happier and more optimistic👍 And are more emotionally intelligent than those who don’t. These are all important qualities that help us be impactful leaders at both work and home, so maybe it should be Thanksgiving every day of …

How To Support Those Who Have Been Through Hardship

In the wake of Hurricane Ian, many leaders came to me and asked, “How can I support my colleagues who lost everything?” Maybe your colleague didn’t go through a natural disaster, but has experienced other hardships like the ending of a relationship or job, the diagnosis of a disease, financial difficulty, or the loss of a loved one. As an emotionally intelligent leader, you know that whatever’s happening in someone’s personal life also affects their …

How To Get ‘Back On Track’ After Hardship

When we experience adversity in our personal or professional lives, many of us stop doing the things that contribute to our well-being and long-term success. The challenge we face seems to require 100 percent of our energy and attention. And while, initially, you may have to drop everything and attend to the crises at hand, the quicker you get back to doing those things that support your well-being and success, the quicker you’ll bounce back from …