🐯 200: The number of white tigers that exist in the world today. 📺 “The One With The Male Nanny” is the 200th episode of the TV show Friends. 🎶 “Changes” by David Bowie is the 200th greatest song of all time, according to Rolling Stone. 🥔 There are more than 200 types of potatoes sold in the U.S. 💜🟣🟪 🎉 200: The number of blogs I have written since founding my business in 2017!! 🎉 🟪🟣💜 Writing 200 blogs …
If you’re like a lot of leaders I work with, your spouse knows almost as much about the annoying clients or staff drama you deal with every day as you do. It’s hard to separate work from home – especially when work is extra stressful. So we often unload on our partners because we need someone to vent to. I get it; I find myself ruminating on frustrations or conversations I wish would have gone a different …
Can you relate to this trap I fall prey to all the time? I work hard towards my goals but feel like there’s still so much to get done. I receive 99 glowing reviews for a keynote, but only focus on the 1 negative one. I look into the future that seems so far away sometimes, without looking at the past to realize how far I’ve come. Us high achievers are a lot alike. We set goals …
It’s the 1st Monday of the month when I do my monthly Joy Journaling to ensure I’m intentional about creating joy in my life. (Joy definition = the feeling evoked by success, well-being, or good fortune). These are the 5 questions I journal on every month: 1. Focus – where was it? What did I learn? What needs to shift? 2. Stressors – plus how to overcome them 3. 80/20 thinking: What am I continuing …
In my family, being a “good” kid was rewarded. I learned quickly that good kids didn’t question authority – especially religion. Good kids were agreeable and pleasant and didn’t cause conflict. I was to be a good kid and go along with the status quo. My communication was to follow suit. When I became a teenager and rebelled against having to be a good kid for so long, I voiced my opinions with aggression and volume. As soon …