Topic: Leadership

Women In Business Advice From Fortune 1000 Executives

Earlier this year I moderated a roundtable discussion with 20 women who were VPs and Directors of Fortune 1000 manufacturing service operations. The focus of our conversation: Women in a highly male-dominated industry. For this week’s blog I am going to shake things up a bit and share my notes from this conversation with you. Here goes… Challenges: Women not well represented across the board from entry level positions to leadership. Women who do join …

Get Rid Of Overwhelm With These 5 Mindfulness Tricks

“I’m overwhelmed.”  I hear this from career moms all the time. I hear this from adults across the board, really.  In fact, overwhelm is a feeling most of us were introduced to even before adulthood. I remember feeling overwhelmed way back in high school when I was juggling sports, speech or mock trial, A grades, church requirements, a job, and the desires of a teenager. (Which leads me to question if the pressure we put on …

5 Ways To Survive – And Enjoy! – Vacationing With Young Kids

My family and I are on vacation now in Banff National Park. I laughed with my husband yesterday realizing that our time together has teeter tottered on the edge of bliss, catching sweet moments of heartfelt gestures between our boys and making fun memories that will forever be imprinted on our brains… With the other edge of curse-word frustration from overdrawn patience, too many fights to break up, and yet another meltdown or I’m-glad-no-one-knows-us public …

The Importance Of Always Knowing Which Key Skills You Are Developing

This September I will be studying with Dr. Shefali Tsabury for five months working towards my Conscious Parenting Method (CPM) certification from her Conscious Coaching Institute. Last month I received the news that I was accepted into her program and wanted to share with you! Dr. Shefali is one of my favorite parenting experts and wisdom teachers. Two of her books, The Conscious Parent and The Awakened Family, have greatly shaped the way I parent …

Boost Your Work Performance And Abundance Mindset + More!

1) 5 Mindful Ways To Boost Performance, Reduce Stress, And Feel Good Every Day I was thrilled to be invited to relate my expertise of mindfulness and joyful living to the corporate world and train a bunch of meditation-skeptic New Yorkers to be more successful in their careers. Review my performance-enhancing presentation slides here! 2) Money Mindset For Financial Abundance My incredible assistant Lucy McKee put together these 6 key takeaways from a roundtable discussion …