Topic: Leadership

The Career Mistake Many Working Moms Make

I’ve seen it many times. A woman has a baby or two. There’s less time for her partner, less time for her well-being, and less time for her career. Everything starts to shift. It usually happens in small, practically unnoticeable changes over the course of several years until all of a sudden something happens – like a health scare, a financial misstep, a wake-up conversation with her child’s preschool teacher, a failed work project, an …

It’s How We Show Up That Matters

Last Friday: 6:15am Conference calls with Europe. 11:00am Impromptu yoga sweat sesh in my office since I won’t be able to break away later in the afternoon for class at the studio as planned. 12noon Answer a call from my husband informing me our 2-year-old has strep throat. He’s now with Grandma and on antibiotics. Thank goodness for my village. 12:30pm Back to work. 3:30pm Donuts with Dads at 4-year-old’s preschool. I get to be …

Three Excuses That Keep Us From Joyful, Powerful Living

I hear a multitude of reasons and beliefs from people that hold us back from living joyful, powerful lives. They are all excuses, and I’ve had my own from time to time. Some have been ingrained in us since we were children. Others developed from exposure to limiting and ego-driven thinking as we moved through life. All of them, however, can be demolished. The first step to stopping excuses from limiting your life is to …

The Time To Be Happy Is Right Now

I believe in staying in a regular state of inquiry, continually examining all the areas of my life as I change and grow. I ask myself: Am I making decisions based on what I value or because of some external pressure or influence? Are the thoughts that I have about something really true, and can I create space around them to let go of rigidity? Am I living my life with no regrets? Earlier this …

The Power Of Making Your Commitment Known, Or Oh Shit, I Really Have To Do This Now!

I was planning to wait to share my commitment to Joy Discovered with the world until I had at least five Real Women Real Strength profiles published. But as I was making dinner for my boys last Friday night, the idea for a Facebook post announcing my blog came to mind. I jotted some notes in my phone and re-visited them the next morning while enjoying my signature grande nonfat no-whip cinnamon dolce latte at …