It’s the 1st Monday of the month when I do my monthly Joy Journaling to ensure I’m intentional about creating joy in my life. (Joy definition = the feeling evoked by success, well-being, or good fortune). These are the 5 questions I journal on every month: 1. Focus – where was it? What did I learn? What needs to shift? 2. Stressors – plus how to overcome them 3. 80/20 thinking: What am I continuing …
Vast research has found that people who regularly practice gratitude: 👍 Have more energy👍 Are less likely to be depressed, anxious, or lonely👍 Experience a higher quality of sleep👍 Get fewer headaches👍 Feel stronger social connections👍 Are happier and more optimistic👍 And are more emotionally intelligent than those who don’t. These are all important qualities that help us be impactful leaders at both work and home, so maybe it should be Thanksgiving every day of …
I LOVE learning and am always enrolled in at least one course or program or working with a coach. 🎉 This month (November 2022), I’m celebrating my completion of the Professional Certificate in Trauma & Resilience from Florida State University!! 🎉 This was such a great complement to my psychology and emotional intelligence (EQ) background. (Resilience is closely tied to the 2nd pillar of EQ: self-management.) We are either growing or we are dying. I know which one …
Tough-love conversations are necessary for shifting unproductive behavior and maintaining a positive, high-performance atmosphere within your organization. A lot of data suggests, however, that most managers and executives avoid difficult conversations most of the time. I bet this isn’t surprising to you. I’m sure you can think of at least one conversation you or one of your key employees needs to have that hasn’t taken place yet. Here are three ways to make having tough …
Kyen gripped the edge of the Target shopping cart with his little hands like a prisoner clutches the bars of a jail cell. He rocked his body back and forth as if the rocking would bust him out into freedom. At the same time, Maverick crawled underneath the shopping cart and wedged his body into the bottom shelf where I usually place cases of sparkling water. He dragged his feet like a door-stopper, making the …