A daily mediation practice is essential to living a balanced life that you love! Here’s a step-by-step 10-minute morning meditation guide to set you up for success! 1. Set your alarm clock to get up 15 minutes earlier. (Meditating will make you more focused and productive throughout the day. You will gain these minutes back with more joyful time later.) Meditating first thing in the morning ensures nothing later in your day will get in …
I am a personal development junkie. I never went to grad school but love learning and spend much of my free time reading self-help books and attending life enhancing, transformational workshops, both in person and online. Through my latest personal development work I was asked to get intimate with my money story and curious about how it’s been affecting my life. What Contributed To My Lack (Not Abundance) Mindset When I was in middle school …
Tomorrow morning Mike will go to our house to assess the aftermath of Irma. We could have blown out windows and water damage, a ripped through lanais, or just a few branches and trees down (which is what it sounds like from our neighbors that stayed could be the only case – thanks be to God). But it doesn’t matter. About half way through the storm, when the eye was 20 miles from my house, …
For this blog, I’ve promised to help you uncover more joy in your life, but I’ve also promised to be real with you. To be real means looking at the messy pieces of our lives that are a natural part of being a human being, then choosing the path to joy through the mess. As I sit down at my computer this week, I can’t think of anything else but Charlottesville. I see white male …
Yoga is a practice of awareness. When we get on our mat, the first step in our practice is to become aware of our physical body. Our teacher invites us to observe our breath, notice the thoughts racing through our head, feel where our body is touching the floor. Then, we move into a greater sense of awareness with intentional action. We deepen our breath to create the yogic breathing, called Ujjayi. We focus our …