Topic: Mindfulness

Nine Messy Experiences That Opened My Heart And Mind

For this blog, I’ve promised to help you uncover more joy in your life, but I’ve also promised to be real with you. To be real means looking at the messy pieces of our lives that are a natural part of being a human being, then choosing the path to joy through the mess. As I sit down at my computer this week, I can’t think of anything else but Charlottesville. I see white male …

Why Practicing Yoga Is Essential For A Joyful Life

Yoga is a practice of awareness. When we get on our mat, the first step in our practice is to become aware of our physical body. Our teacher invites us to observe our breath, notice the thoughts racing through our head, feel where our body is touching the floor. Then, we move into a greater sense of awareness with intentional action. We deepen our breath to create the yogic breathing, called Ujjayi. We focus our …