Topic: Productivity

How To Get What You Want By Making Better Requests

Do you forget that your partner is not a mind reader, like me and many of the clients I’ve worked with? “I left the clean clothes on top of the dryer, but my husband didn’t fold them!” one said. “Did you ask him to fold them?” I asked. “No…” she replied. “I really wanted to go to that event but my husband didn’t offer to stay home with the boys so that I could attend,” …

4 Myths That Are Making It Hard For You To Practice Self-Care

Have you ever thought: • I don’t have time for self-care? • Self-care is selfish? • Self-care is a luxury? • I don’t have money for self-care? If you answered yes to ANY of these, then you have fallen prey to 4 common self-care myths that are holding you back from feeling and being your best. Your family, work, health, friends, and purpose need you operating at 100 percent. Self-care is essential for this sustained …

How To Schedule Your Day For Success

Why is it that some executives are productive and successful at work, spend quality time with their children, enjoy dinners or date nights with their partners, and even have ample time for exercise, girls’ nights out, and sleep… While so many others don’t? Those with a high performance, productive, meaningful life know how to schedule their day for success, to get the most out of the 24 hours that each and everyone of us is …

How To Improve Work And Life Balance

Wondering how to have a healthier work/life balance? On this YouTube video I share 7 straightforward ways to create more balance so you can thrive at work and all of life! **Spoiler Alert!** Achieving sustainable balance is NOT about more effective time or energy management (even though most people think this is the key). It’s about a few personal shifts that create self-mastery and emotional wellness.  Click HERE to watch me walk you through these important shifts. I discuss: …

My Best Time Management Advice

I’ve been studying productivity for over a decade and applying the best advice I’ve unearthed to every one of my days so I can live a meaningful, balanced life I love. I want to share these tips with you, too! These are the exact strategies I used when building my coaching business as a side hustle and balancing top performance in my demanding full-time corporate job, teaching yoga 3x per week, my 2 energetic young …