Topic: Purpose

Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should

“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”  The first time I heard this saying I scribbled it on my white board, typed it into my Notes app, and saved it in my Favorite Quotes base on Airtable. (No one has ever called me disorganized lol!)  I couldn’t get this saying off my mind. For much of my life, I did all the things that came my way because I am a strong, efficient high …

How I Course-Corrected My Quarantine Rock Bottom

Two weeks ago, I hit quarantine rock bottom. Tweezing out the gravel in my stinging wounds, I assessed how I had gotten here, and how I could get back up again. Overnight I had become a stay-at-home mom with the closing of kindergarten and our decision to keep our youngest home from day care/preschool. I continued serving my current contracted coaching clients, but put all other business projects on hold to free up time to …

I Farted In Yoga Class The Other Day

I farted in yoga class the other day. I yelled at my kids because I was too tired to validate their feelings. I said yes, even though I wanted to say no. I had a glass of wine rather than sitting with what was upsetting me. I judged someone, instead of exploring what the situation had to teach me about myself. I blamed and chose to stay in victim mode, stuck in my own story. …

You Do Not Need To Be Fixed

You are not broken. You do not need to be fixed. You are whole and complete just as you are, right here right now. This is how I approach all of my clients. It’s the foundational belief for all of my coaching… because it’s the truth. We were born into this world whole, perfect, divine. As children, we expressed our uniqueness, we owned our beauty, we played with all kids, and we danced like no …

My New Word For 2020 And Why I Changed It

I spent 3 days with Rachel Hollis and 4,000 energetic, heart-open women at the Rise Ft. Myers personal development conference last week. I have a new word for 2020. If you read my last blog, you know that every year I pick one word that is my intention for the year, that will inspire me and help me make decisions about how I spend my time and energy. Before attending Rachel’s conference, my word was …