Topic: Purpose

Three Excuses That Keep Us From Joyful, Powerful Living

I hear a multitude of reasons and beliefs from people that hold us back from living joyful, powerful lives. They are all excuses, and I’ve had my own from time to time. Some have been ingrained in us since we were children. Others developed from exposure to limiting and ego-driven thinking as we moved through life. All of them, however, can be demolished. The first step to stopping excuses from limiting your life is to …

Stop Just Praying. Start Talking. Start Being In Action.

I’m inspired by the photo my brother sent me of the letters he wrote to his representatives today for prudent gun control. What actions have you taken? After last year’s election, there were a lot of issues that deeply concerned me. I spent time each day calling and emailing my representatives about numerous matters, but it wasn’t sustainable. I couldn’t tackle everything and I quickly fizzled out. However, this is not an excuse to do …

Be The Lightning Before The Thunder

I love now that Mav is growing up (bittersweet tear) we both like some of the same songs. Here is one of our favorites: Thunder by Imagine Dragons. Check out the video and lyrics by clicking here! I think he likes the easy chorus and silly dance moves I do when I play this song. I love the beat and words – they are a big fuel of inspiration for me now. For too long …

The Time To Be Happy Is Right Now

I believe in staying in a regular state of inquiry, continually examining all the areas of my life as I change and grow. I ask myself: Am I making decisions based on what I value or because of some external pressure or influence? Are the thoughts that I have about something really true, and can I create space around them to let go of rigidity? Am I living my life with no regrets? Earlier this …

Nine Messy Experiences That Opened My Heart And Mind

For this blog, I’ve promised to help you uncover more joy in your life, but I’ve also promised to be real with you. To be real means looking at the messy pieces of our lives that are a natural part of being a human being, then choosing the path to joy through the mess. As I sit down at my computer this week, I can’t think of anything else but Charlottesville. I see white male …