Topic: Purpose

The Power Of Making Your Commitment Known, Or Oh Shit, I Really Have To Do This Now!

I was planning to wait to share my commitment to Joy Discovered with the world until I had at least five Real Women Real Strength profiles published. But as I was making dinner for my boys last Friday night, the idea for a Facebook post announcing my blog came to mind. I jotted some notes in my phone and re-visited them the next morning while enjoying my signature grande nonfat no-whip cinnamon dolce latte at …

Welcome To Joy Discovered – Inspiring Women To Own Their Strength And Live Full Lives Of Joy

Hi my name is Sara. Welcome to Joy Discovered! Joy Discovered is a blog and community to inspire women to own their strength and live full lives of joy. I created Joy Discovered because I am a strong woman. And strong women are all around me. They’re my friends and family, my colleagues and Facebook friends. I wanted a place for us to come together and be real – because life is too short not …

Create A Mindful, Balanced Life

They say the third time’s the charm. Joy Discovered is my third blog and finally, I have gotten it right. My first blog HappyLifeYoga was created in 2010 to share what I was learning about myself and the world through the practice and study of yoga. Then I built SaraMuellerNow in 2011 to market my yoga teaching and writing. When I went back to work full-time in the conference production industry in 2013, I turned …

Looking For The Light In Mumbai

I didn’t take pictures once we officially entered the slum. I could barely step one foot in front of the other. I volunteered in the slums of Salvador, Brazil, for 13 weeks after college. The favelas, as they were called, ran out of space for dwelling so inhabitants started building “homes” on stilts in the water (called palafitas). I visited the tiny rural village in Talanga, Honduras, where my brother Tyler volunteered for a year. …

India, Here I Come! How A Life-Changing Trip Transpired

India has always been a country of intrigue for me. It’s one of my favorite cuisines (I seek it out whenever I travel to big cities) and it’s the birthplace of yoga, a critical part of my physical and spiritual life. It’s one of my bucket list destinations. But with at least a 25-hour flight and two little boys at home, I haven’t imagined it in my near future. Life has a way of making …