There’s something about spring that feels like a deep exhale after the long, inward pull of winter. The days stretch a little longer, the air carries the scent of new blossoms, and there’s an energy—almost a hum—beneath the surface of everything. It’s a season of renewal, of planting, of welcoming the promise of what’s to come But before we get caught up in the bloom, we have to honor what came before. Winter, with all …
“How do you express your feelings and not be taken as emotional/rude in the workplace?” 👆A question I get often after my keynotes, so I want to share some tips with you. Hint ➡️ You can also use these with your family this holiday season. 🎄 First, recognize that we’ll be considered emotional if we don’t manage our emotions well and they end up coming out sideways in the form of a blowup at a …
Even though this year has flown by, I KNOW you’ve grown and changed a lot – just like I have. One of the best ways to ensure all that we’ve gone through is embodied and turned into wisdom is to pause and practice some self-inquiry (which, of course, is essential to growing your emotional intelligence (EQ) and self-mastery). So, before you sprint into the new year or set your 2025 goals, ask yourself these 3 …
“To be done right, I have to do it myself.” “Why is this happening to me?” “I’m gonna have to figure this out myself.” “I’m not supported.” Have you ever felt any of these ways? These are common patterns I have to disrupt in my mind on a regular basis. These beliefs are false, but ones that I bought into at a very young age as I was trying to make sense of the world …
I was a master pretender, a super slick chameleon. I got straight As and graduated in the top 5% of my high school class with a 4.4 GPA, went to state for speech, mock trial, and softball, got confirmed Catholic, made good tip money working part-time as a server, and was chosen as Student Of The Month my senior year. Little did most people know that in high school I was stoned nearly all the …