Topic: Well-Being

Why Exercise Is Not A Substitution For Meditation

Exercise is, of course, essential for your health. And if you want to generate high performance results in your life, research shows you should take part in some form of exercise that you enjoy nearly every day. But exercise is not a substitute for meditation. Sure, you may feel similar after both exercising and meditating. Exercise helps close the stress response cycle, it stimulates feel-good hormones such as endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin, and it gives …

STOP Giving Your Power Away + We Aren’t As Divided As It Seems 💖

Some perspective I shared on social media this week that’s important for all of us to remember, especially now, because I love ya: STOP GIVING YOUR POWER AWAY: Remember that we (thankfully) live in a democratic nation with checks and balances. The president’s power is an illusion. No one person has full control over our country or you. If you’re waiting for Trump or Biden or anyone else to fly in and save you, you …

Our 3 Main Concerns When We Fear Change + How To Move Past Them

I believe that we human beings are inherently driven to express our true greatness and keep growing. In fact, in the Audible book “Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility” written by Patty McCord, who was the chief talent officer of Netflix and responsible for creating its innovative culture, she agrees with this belief. She shares that their high performance culture was created by offering challenges and problems that need to be solved to …

One Of The Most Meaningful, Easiest, Low-Cost Gifts You’ll Ever Give A Loved One

I want to share with you an idea for a 🎄holiday☃️ gift for someone you love. This gift will be one of the most meaningful, easiest, low-cost gifts you’ve ever given. 💓AND it will improve your relationship with the gift-getter and your overall well-being as you put it together! 🎅Here’s what to do: 1.  Get a small journal or some pretty stationary. 2.  At the beginning or end of every day, write one thing you appreciate about …

Certainty Is An Illusion – Here’s How To Find Peace

So many of us are still talking about how to survive the uncertainty of this pandemic, but here’s the thing: While the circumstances of the coronavirus lockdown (even with them starting to be lifted) are different from our old “normal,” the reality of life is still the same. This reality is that certainty is an illusion. We’ve never had certainty in life and never will have it. Before coronavirus, no one’s health, no one’s job, no one’s …