Certainty Is An Illusion – Here’s How To Find Peace

So many of us are still talking about how to survive the uncertainty of this pandemic, but here’s the thing: While the circumstances of the coronavirus lockdown (even with them starting to be lifted) are different from our old “normal,” the reality of life is still the same.

This reality is that certainty is an illusion. We’ve never had certainty in life and never will have it. Before coronavirus, no one’s health, no one’s job, no one’s income, no one’s marriage, no one’s children’s behavior, no one’s investment, no one’s next breath was ever guaranteed. 

All of life is impermanent, but we have tricked ourselves into believing it’s not by trying to control the situation. We try to control our kids, our retirement savings, our weight, and our spouse’s actions. We try to control tomorrow’s schedule, our travel itinerary, the wrinkles on our face, and the outcome of a conversation. 

But control is an illusion too. It doesn’t exist and trying to control anything beyond our inner selves always leads to our suffering. Because the only thing we can control successfully is whether or not we stay in the present moment, and how we respond to the feelings that arise within us in the present moment (even our moment-to-moment feelings cannot be controlled).

This is our choice: To live in the present moment and be in action for our mental and emotional health and happiness. Or to live concerned about what the future will bring or angry about what the past has brought. Living in the future or past will keep us stuck there and so we’ll always be the victim, never able to move forward. 

In the present moment, however, everything is ok. In the present moment we get to take action for our health. In the present moment we get to enjoy all the things we are worried about losing. In the present moment we get to heal (even when we are healing things from the past). In the present moment, we’ll know the next step to take. In the present moment there is abundance and love. In the present moment, and only in the present moment, there is peace.

Stay here — in the present — and be in peace.


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