Childhood Dreams Aren’t Just For Children

When I was a little girl, I dreamed of going to Harvard University. I wore my crimson Harvard sweatshirt several times a week and made fond memories of eating Tasty Burgers with my middle school speech team that traveled to the Cambridge campus every spring for a national speech tournament.

But as limiting beliefs began to shape me in high school, my plans changed. I no longer saw myself as a Harvard girl. “Harvard is for other students; not for me,” my mind chattered. And deep in the trenches of a lack mindset, I couldn’t wrap my brain around how my family would ever be able to pay for an Ivy League education.

So I didn’t even apply. I didn’t pursue scholarships or financial aid. I gave up on my dream before I had even taken one step toward it. (Sadly, I see too many people make the same mistake that I did.)

I don’t have many regrets in life, but something about not attending (or even trying to attend) Harvard always gnawed at me.

Decades later after deconstructing my limiting beliefs and moving out of a victim and lack mindset into one of creation and abundance, I started having visions of Harvard in my future. Something inside me knew my Harvard dream was still there and I began to open up to possibilities that would make Harvard a reality for me.

Would I be invited to speak at a conference there?

Would I meet someone who worked at Harvard that would change the trajectory of my life?

Would I pursue my Master’s there?

At first, I wasn’t sure of the answer, so I held that sprouting vision in my heart and let my subconscious brain go to work behind the scenes to lead me toward my goals and spot opportunities.

Then, one day, I saw it: A Certificate of Leadership Excellence in Harvard’s Division of Continuing Education that was both online and on campus and focused on all subjects I adore (emotional intelligence, authentic leadership, persuasive communication, crucial conversations, etc.).

It took me less than 24 hours to register from the moment I first learned about the certificate program. When we are in alignment and clear on our vision, decisions come easily.

Now, I’m always enrolled in an online course or working with a coach (growth is a core value of both my life and Joy Discovered Inc.’s), but being a student with other flesh and blood humans on campus last week was so much fun! I’m deepening my emotional intelligence and leadership development expertise and having a full-circle moment as one of my childhood dreams has come true.

This is what I want for you: To have the life beyond your wildest dreams! It IS possible.

Know that you are never too old, too late, too anything to have what you desire.

You only need to take a step forward and put your vision into action.

Cheers to being in action!

Lots of love and #haveitall,
💜 Your Coach,

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