Drop Unnecessary Pressure On Yourself To Tune Into Authentic Flow

One of my clients asked me recently, “How can I soften expectations of myself while still leading a powerful life.” Let’s dive into this more.

The first thing that we must do is understand where our expectations are coming from.

Are your expectations truly yours or are they coming from pressure from someone or something else? 

Are you looking at someone else’s false portrayal of reality on Facebook and feeling bad about an aspect of you? When we look at others and compare, it immediately brings us into judgment. We judge our self and whoever we are comparing our self to. 

If you judge yourself to be less than, you might stay in a feeling of not good enough that can add unnecessary pressure to your shoulders. That pressure may make you think you need to make up for this lack in some way or another. You will spend needless energy trying to prove yourself good enough or better than.

If you judge the other person to be less than you, it immediately puts you in your ego mind. Living from a place of ego creates separateness in a world that is in so much need of connection and inclusion now. 

Operating from the ego draws lines: I am better than, you are less than me. My kid goes to this school, your kid goes to that school. I am this religion, you are that religion. All these ways of thinking drive us away from connection and seeing that we are all human beings that desire the same core experiences out of life. And every single person on this planet has felt the same pains and joys that you have, even though their circumstances may be different. 

When we move away from comparison, we are able to move into connection and love. Love is an energetic, creative, joyous feeling – who wouldn’t want to be living each day in this space?

Secondly, often the expectations we put on our self are not our own. They are our parent’s, our family’s, our religion’s, our social class’s, the healthcare industry’s, our friend’s, our country’s, our gender’s, our culture’s… So many institutions impact the way we think about life and create expectations about how we should show up and what happiness or success means. 

Without all these cultural expectations imposed on you, how do YOU define success?

Finally, I ask that when referring to what you want to create in your life, you shift from the word “expectation” and instead use “intention.” Expectation is the anticipation of something to happen at a certain time in a certain way, whereas an intention is an aim or a plan or a purpose. 

When we create an intention, we are able to be in action creating what we want out of life, but also allow space for co-creation with the Universe. When we tap into flow and faith, our experience is often so much better than we could even imagine for ourselves. 

Keep your intentions strong, but release the need to control the outcome of your desire. When you do, magic and miracles will be a regular occurrence in your life!

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